Benefits of

Integrative Bodywork

Frequent or unrelenting stress can damage your body and is a contributing factor to most disease processes. Hands on therapies can do more than promote relaxation. 


Hands-on therapies are more than pampering.

Receiving gentle hands-on therapies promotes physical, mental and emotional well-being.

STRESS… Everyone experiences it. No one is immune to this aspect of life. Frequent or unrelenting stress can damage your body and is a contributing factor to most disease processes.

What stress does to you: Your body reacts unconsciously to situations you find threatening. Its emergency stress response primes you for fight of flight by causing certain physiological changes to take place: your body produces additional adrenaline the functioning of your immune and digestive systems is inhibited the flow of blood to your extremities and internal organs is diminished.

Possible results of unattended stress: changes in blood sugar, colitis and ulcers, heart disease, high blood pressure, and hypertension

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Gentle and integrative modalities can dramatically reverse the damaging physiological effects of stress by helping to:

  • lower your heart rate and blood pressure and improve blood circulation

  • heighten your sense of well-being and drop your anxiety level

  • release endorphins, the body’s natural pain killer

  • supports better function of the Vagus nerve and other cranial nerves


Hands on therapies can do more than promote relaxation.

It is reported that they may:

  • relieve back pain

  • treat migraines

  • ease symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

  • minimizes the side effects of cancer

  • reduces stress and tension

Reported Benefits of Integrative Therapies

Physical: Body relaxes… calming of the nervous system and Vagus nerve... lowers blood pressure...reduces heart rate... slows respiration... reduces chronic pain... relieves tired and aching muscles... improves muscle tone... faster recovery from illness and injury... reduces tension headaches... increases range of motion... strengthens immune system response...reduces swelling

Emotional: Reduces anxiety and depression... enhances self-image... nurtures emotional growth and well being

Mental: Reduces mental stress...promotes quality sleep... improves productivity ...induces mental relaxation